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Sell tickets for your events online! Customize your events with SITE123 with our many event options. Get your audience enjoying your events today!


Sell Tickets With A Shopping Cart

Picking our SITE123 order system is the best option for handling your event. We give the user many options to choose from for setting up their event tickets, including multiple ticket types, multiple ticket costs, online shopping of tickets, and custom forms for gathering information from users. For example, you could create three different types of tickets for your concert, and sell them all online, making it so much easier to reach more users who don't have the time to buy their tickets in person!

Different Types Of Tickets For An Event

When using SITE123's order system, you have the option of adding many types of ticket for any event, such as early bird tickets, special client tickets, VIP tickets, and any other kind of ticket you can think of! Organizing an event like a play in a theater could be as simple as picking out the seat locations for each ticket - stalls, gallery, boxes, restricted, and premium. Create the different ticket types, the availability and price, and in minutes you'll have an organized ticket system ready to share with your audience!

Tickets Quantity

You can limit the number of tickets of any type you make that are available for your event. This is important for determining the scale of your event as well as the amount of tickets you want to make available to the public. Additional tickets can be made that are only for special guests as necessary, all easily created and managed within the SITE123 event system.

Offer Coupons For Your Event

Adding coupons to your event is a great way to give client discounts and encourage more purchases for your event. Coupons can be customized to only be available for a certain number of uses and can offer either a percentage or a specific amount of money as a discount. They are able to be assigned to any kind of ticket type and can add a lot of value to interested people who are considering buying a ticket to your event.

Check-In Password System

The Check-in Password system is a great tool if you have a big event and need the help of several people to scan many people in at the same time. This tool lets the site owner set assistants who can use the website to scan in many tickets at a time, like when people are gathering for a stage or sporting event. This is essential as a tool for getting people registered for large events on a timely basis and is why we included it with our versatile events system!

Custom Registration Form

Adding a registration form is what you need to do if you want people to sign up for your event on your website. The registration form is completely customizable, letting you collect any kind of data you want from your clients! The form is based on our extremely versatile custom form builder, letting users design it differently based on each individual event so you can get exactly what you need from your users.

Manage Events, Orders, and Tickets

Keeping the status of your event orders updated is important for your business and any event you run. With many different types of tickets available and orders possible, events can have orders shift between many conditions, so being able to readily update and manage those orders is critical. Our event management tool lets you change order and ticket status easily in the creation and preparation for your upcoming event!



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SITE123無疑是我遇到過最簡單、最容易使用的網站設計工具。他們的線上客服技術人員非常專業,使創建令人印象深刻的網站變得極其簡單。他們的專業知識和支援真的非常出色。一旦我發現了SITE123,我立即停止尋找其他選擇 - 它就是這麼好。直觀的平台和頂級的支援相結合,使SITE123在競爭中脫穎而出。
克莉絲蒂·普雷蒂曼 us Flag
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博比·梅內格 us Flag
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在嘗試了各種網站建設工具後,我發現SITE123對於像我這樣的新手來說是最佳選擇。它的使用過程非常友善,再加上出色的線上支援,讓建立網站變得輕而易舉。我毫不猶豫地給SITE123滿分五星評價 - 對初學者來說,它簡直是完美之選。
保羅·唐斯 gb Flag
不要再等了, 今天就創建你的網站吧! 創建網站

今天已經有超過US 個國家的 2348 個SITE123網站被創建!